What are the biggest health needs for Lexington?
Help shape this city’s future by letting us know the top issues for health and well-being for you and your family! If you live or work in Fayette County and are 18 years or older, please take our survey before Dec. 16: https://tiny.lfchd.org/CHA.
The online survey is currently available in English. Hard copies in English, Spanish, French and Swahili are available at the Lexington-Fayette County Health Department, 650 Newtown Pike, and all Lexington Public Library branches. Other languages can be provided by request; please contact Christy Nentwick at 859-288-2352 or LEX-CHIP@LFCHD.org for more information.
You can see our previous Community Health Assessment Plan at https://www.lfchd.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/CHA-CHIP-2017.pdf to help you learn more about how this information is put into practice!