Clínica será SOLO para las edades de 5-11 años

Cuidadores, la mejor manera de mantener a su hijo protegido del COVID-19 es con una vacuna segura, efectiva y probada a fondo. Los efectos a largo plazo de un caso pediátrico de COVID pueden durar meses y ser graves; un brazo dolorido es el efecto secundario más común de la vacuna del COVID, la cualproporciona una protección duradera. ¡La mejor manera de proteger a su hijo contra el COVID-19, incluyendo la variante Delta, es vacunándolo!

Los niños de edades de 5 a 11 años pueden recibir la vacuna GRATUITA de Pfizer del COVID-19 en una clínica especial el miércoles 10 de noviembre de 3-6 p.m. en la Consolidated Baptist Church, 1625 Russell Cave Road. No se aceptarán personas sin cita. Un guardián legal DEBE estar presente en el momento de la inyección.

Regístrese aquí:

Debido a las diferencias en la dosis por la edad de este grupo, esta clínica será SOLO para las edades de 5-11 años.

Información de registro

  • Cada destinatario DEBE registrarse con anticipación.
  • La inscripción se cerrará cuando todas las citas estén llenas. Cada persona que asista a la clínica DEBE estar registrada con anticipación.
  • Se necesitará una segunda dosis en 21 días. Nos comunicaremos con usted más cerca de ese momento para programar la segunda dosis de la vacuna.
  • Gracias por su interés en vacunarse. Si necesita ayuda, llame a nuestro centro de llamadas al 859-899-2222.

Aprenda más sobre la vacuna en estas preguntas frecuentes (FAQ) de la Academia Americana de Pediatría: La Ciencia Detrás de las Vacunas del COVID-19 (articulo en inglés)

Special Vaccination Clinic for Moderna Booster Only

The Lexington-Fayette County Health Department will provide the FREE Moderna COVID-19 booster at a special vaccination clinic 2-6 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 17, at Consolidated Baptist Church, 1625 Russell Cave Road. Walk-ins will not be accepted.

Please register in advance at (clinic is closed).

This is ONLY for the Moderna booster; first/second doses of Moderna will not be available, and we will not be providing other vaccines at this clinic. You must have received your second dose at least 6 months ago.

The following are eligible for the Moderna booster:

  • people ages 65 and older;
  • people ages 18-64 with underlying medical conditions putting them at high risk of severe COVID-19 (this includes diabetes and heart, kidney or lung disease; more information on who is considered at high risk can be found at;
  • people ages 18 and older who live in long-term care or high-risk settings; and
  • people ages 18-64 who are likely to get exposed at work (examples include health care, education, restaurants, groceries and manufacturing).

Registration information

  • Each recipient MUST register in advance.
  • Only one person can register per account — everyone registering must enter a phone number or email.
  • Registration will close when all appointment slots are full. Every person who attends the clinic MUST be registered in advance.

Thank you for your interest in getting vaccinated. If you need assistance, please call our call center at 859-899-2222.

Actualización importante sobre COVID-19 Boosters

Las citas para el mismo día de las vacunas del COVID-19 están disponibles todos los lunes, miércoles y viernes en nuestra Clínica de Salud Pública en 650 Newtown Pike. Llame al 859-288-2483 para programar su cita. Cualquier persona elegible para una dosis de refuerzo puede seleccionar la vacuna de su elección sin importar qué vacuna se administró en las primeras dosis. 


Las dosis de refuerzo gratuitas de la vacuna Moderna del COVID-19 estará disponible con cita para el mismo día en nuestrLas dosis de refuerzo gratuitas de la vacuna Moderna del COVID-19 estará disponible con cita para el mismo día en nuestra Clínica de Salud Pública.

Janssen (Johnson & Johnson)

La dosis de refuerzo gratuita de la vacuna Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 estarán disponibles con cita para el mismo día para todas las personas mayores de 18 años que recibieron la vacuna J&J hace al menos dos meses. 


También continuamos proporcionando el refuerzo de Pfizer para los mismos grupos enumerados para el refuerzo de Moderna. 

Cualquier persona que aún no haya recibido su primera dosis o segunda dosis también puede llamar para programar su cita el mismo día. Nuestra Clínica de Salud Pública ofrece las vacunas Moderna y Janssen para mayores de 18 años y la vacuna de Pfizer para mayores de 12 años.

COVID-19 booster dose update

(En espanol) Same-day appointments for COVID-19 vaccines, including all boosters, are available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday in our Public Health Clinic at 650 Newtown Pike. Call 859-288-2483 to schedule your appointment.


The booster can be given 6 months after you received your second dose of the Moderna vaccine. 


We also continue to provide the Pfizer booster for the same groups listed for the Moderna booster. 

The booster can be given 6 months after you received your second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. More information about the Pfizer booster can be found at

Janssen (Johnson & Johnson)

Free booster doses of the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 vaccine are available by same-day appointment for everyone who received the J&J vaccine at least two months ago. 

Third Dose for Immunocompromised

In addition, immunocompromised individuals – for example, people who are undergoing cancer treatment or who are taking a high dose of an immunosuppressant – a third shot of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine is recommended at least 28 days after the second shot.

Boosters are for people who got the first and second dose of the Pfizer vaccine whose protection has waned over time. The third doses are for immunocompromised people whose immune systems were not able to fully respond to the initial doses of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

First and Second Doses

Anyone who has yet to receive their first dose or second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine can also call to schedule their same-day appointment. Our Public Health Clinic offers the Moderna and Janssen vaccines for ages 18 and older and the Pfizer vaccine for ages 12 and older.

Moderna & Janssen (J&J) booster information coming soon

We are awaiting final guidance on booster doses of the Moderna and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 vaccines. Complete information will be posted at and our Facebook page when available.

The Pfizer booster remains available by same-day appointment, 6 months after the 2nd dose, for the following:

  • people ages 65 and older;
  • people ages 18-64 with underlying medical conditions putting them at high risk of severe COVID-19 (this includes diabetes and heart, kidney or lung disease; more information on who is considered at high risk can be found at;
  • people ages 18 and older who live in long-term care or high-risk settings; and
  • people ages 18-64 who are likely to get exposed at work (examples include health care and education).

Anyone who needs a Pfizer booster or has yet to receive their first dose or second dose (or third dose for immunocompromised people) can call 859-288-2483 to schedule their same-day appointment. Our Public Health Clinic offers the Moderna and Janssen vaccines for ages 18 and older and the Pfizer vaccine for ages 12 and older.

(English & en español) 2021-22: Health department offering FREE flu shots

(Haga clic aquí para el español.) The Lexington-Fayette County Health Department is giving you the chance to fight the flu for free all fall and winter.

Free Flu Shots in Public Health Clinic

Flu shots are available for free all season by same-day appointment only at LFCHD’s Public Health Clinic, 650 Newtown Pike. Please call 859-288-2483 to make an appointment; walk-ins will not be accepted in the Public Health Clinic.

Flu Information

“An annual flu shot is the best way to fight the flu each fall and winter,” LFCHD spokesperson Kevin Hall said. “The flu shot remains important this year as we remain in the COVID-19 pandemic. It can help reduce the overall impact on respiratory illnesses on the population, which will lessen the burden on our healthcare system during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

In addition to helping prevent you from getting sick with flu, a flu shot can reduce the severity of your illness if you do get flu and reduce your risk of a flu-associated hospitalization.

The seasonal flu shot is recommended for all people ages 6 months and older and is especially important for people at the highest risk of serious complications from the flu: infants and young children, pregnant women, anyone with underlying medical conditions and adults 50 and older.

For additional information about the 2021-22 flu season, follow the Lexington-Fayette County Health Department on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Pfizer COVID-19 booster dose update

Starting Wednesday, Sept. 29, free booster doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine will be available by same-day appointment in our Public Health Clinic for: 

Click on the image to see a larger version.

  • people ages 65 and older;
  • people ages 18 through 64 with underlying medical conditions putting them at high risk of severe COVID-19 (this includes diabetes and heart, kidney or lung disease; more information on who is considered at high risk can be found at;
  • people ages 18 and older who live in long-term care or high-risk settings; and
  • people ages 18 through 64 who are likely to get exposed at work (examples include health care and education).

The booster can be given 6 months after you received your second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. More information about the Pfizer booster can be found at

In addition, immunocompromised individuals – for example, people who are undergoing cancer treatment or who are taking a high dose of an immunosuppressant – a third shot of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine is recommended at least 28 days after the second shot.

Boosters are for people who got the first and second dose of the Pfizer vaccine whose protection has waned over time. The third doses are for immunocompromised people whose immune systems were not able to fully respond to the initial doses of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

Same-day appointments are available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday in our Public Health Clinic at 650 Newtown Pike. Call 859-288-2483 to schedule your appointment.

At this time, the CDC has not recommended booster doses for those who received the Moderna or Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccines.

Anyone who has yet to receive their first dose or second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine can also call to schedule their same-day appointment. Our Public Health Clinic offers the Moderna and Janssen vaccines for ages 18 and older and the Pfizer vaccine for ages 12 and older.

El departamento de salud dará vacunas gratis contra la gripe

Vacunas para la Gripe Gratis en la Clínica de Salud Publica

Comenzando el lunes 4 de octubre, las vacunas para la gripe estarán disponibles de forma gratuita durante toda la temporada solo llamando para hacer cita el mismo día en la Clínica de Salud Pública del LFCHD, 650 Newtown Pike. Por favor llame al 859-288-2483 para hacer la cita; no se aceptarán personas sin cita en la Clínica de Salud Pública. 

“Una vacuna anual para la gripe es la mejor manera de combatir la gripe cada otoño e invierno,”dijo Kevin Hall, portavoz de LFCHD. “La vacuna para la gripe es especialmente importante esta temporada, mientras permanecemos en la pandemia de COVID-19. Esta puede ayudar a reducir el impacto en la totalidad de las enfermedades respiratorias en la población, la cual reducirá la carga sobre nuestro sistema de salud durante la pandemia de COVID-19.”

Además de ayudar a prevenir que se enferme con la gripe, una vacuna para la gripe puede reducir la gravedad de la enfermedad si contrae la gripe y reduce el riesgo de una hospitalización asociada con la gripe.

La vacuna para la gripe se recomienda para todas las personas de edades de 6 meses en adelante y es especialmente importante para las personas con el mayor riesgo de complicaciones graves por la gripe: bebés y niños pequeños, mujeres embarazadas, cualquier persona con enfermedades subyacentes y adultos de 50 años en adelante.

Updates to Food Service Regulation 19

The Lexington-Fayette County Board of Health recently approved an update to city’s food service regulations. A summary of the changes, including definition updates and new late fees for permits, can be found here: Food Service Regulation 19 Summary.

The updates also change the health department’s internal “probation program” for restaurants. The new program will be an Enhanced Regulatory Enforcement. Establishments that score below an 85 on their regular inspection, fail an assigned follow-up inspection or require closure due to an imminent public health issue (e.g. raw sewage, no electricity, no running water, rodent or insect infestation with food adulteration) will be placed on ERE. See section 45, page 40 for details: Food Service Regulation 19.

The new regulation was adopted Sept. 13, 2021, and is effective immediately. Anyone who cannot access the information posted can contact Environmental Health at 859-231-9791.

Language Posted in Newspaper

The Lexington-Fayette Urban County Board of Health voted unanimously to pass a revised Food Service Regulation on September 13, 2021. All food service establishments are encouraged to review the regulation at their earliest convenience. The summary of changes and the full document may be viewed on the LFCHD webpage (, specifically at The public has a right to inspect Regulation 19. Requests to inspect Regulation 19 may be submitted by mail or in person at 650 Newtown Pike, Lexington, KY 40508.

How to Get a Replacement COVID-19 Vaccine Card

If You Received Your COVID-19 Vaccine from the Lexington-Fayette County Health Department

The COVID-19 vaccine card received at the time of vaccination is issued by the CDC. We cannot replace your card but can provide proof vaccination if you received your COVID-19 vaccine from one of our clinics. 

To get your proof of vaccination, use this Proof of Vaccination Form or email

If You Received Your COVID-19 Vaccine from Other Locations

The COVID-19 vaccine card received at the time of vaccination is issued by the CDC. It cannot be replaced with a new card. Anyone vaccinated anywhere in Kentucky can get proof of a COVID-19 vaccine through the Kentucky Immunization Registry, whether you’re fully vaccinated or have only had one dose of a two-dose regimen. Call 502-564-0038 or email Learn more at

En español

Cómo obtener una tarjeta de vacuna COVID-19 de reemplazo

Si recibió su vacuna COVID-19 del Departamento de Salud del Condado de Lexington-Fayette

La tarjeta de vacuna COVID-19 recibida en el momento de la vacunación es emitida por los CDC. No podemos reemplazar su tarjeta, pero podemos proporcionar una prueba de vacunación si recibió su vacuna COVID-19 de una de nuestras clínicas.

Para obtener su prueba de vacunación, visite AUTORIZACIÓN PARA LA LIBERACIÓN DEL REGISTRO DE INMUNIZACIÓN DEL PACIENTE o envíe un correo electrónico a

Si recibió su vacuna CONTRA el COVID-19 desde otros lugares

La tarjeta de vacuna COVID-19 recibida en el momento de la vacunación es emitida por los CDC. No se puede reemplazar con una tarjeta nueva. Cualquier persona vacunada en cualquier lugar de Kentucky puede obtener prueba de una vacuna COVID-19 a través del Registro de Inmunización de Kentucky, ya sea que esté completamente vacunado o que solo haya tenido una dosis de un régimen de dos dosis. Llame al 502-564-0038 o envíe un correo electrónico a Obtenga más información en